Tasmyn Roach
Ko wai au?
Kia Ora!! I thought it's about time I introduce myself... Ko wai au? (Who am I?) Ko Tainui tōku WakaKo Pirongia mē Kakepuku ōku MaungaKo Waipa tōku awaKo Ngāti Maniapoto tōku iwiKo Tasmyn tōku ingoa. Kia ora my name is Tasmyn! I’m from a small town in the King Country called Ōtorohanga.But now based in the beautiful Tauranga Moana. Here are a few fun facts about me! My dream job at 12 years old was to be a dancer! I’m the eldest of 4 siblings My favourite kai atm has to be Nutella crepes lol That’s enough from me catch...
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